A gaming mouse is specially designed for a gamer’s needs. It has many extra features that help a gamer to play his favorite game more efficiently. So, if you’re a gamer, a gaming mouse is a must for you. But, nowadays, a lot of gamers use a gaming mouse for regular PC use. It’s not a problem because a gaming mouse is also great for regular PC use. The answer to the question is yes and no. Gaming mice are made for gamers. But you can use it for regular PC use. Why? Because of the features that gaming mouse has. Features that are not common in a regular mouse. Features like: Faster response time, better DPI (dots per inch), high accuracy, ergonomic design, and customization. But you have to know that gaming mice are not made for regular PC use but you can use it for regular use. Gaming mice are made for gamers. So, you can use it if you are a gamer. A PC mouse is a piece of hardware that is used to control the movement of the cursor on the screen. It is used to select i...